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Is it possible to get depression from lockdown?
I think I've always suffered from depression, anxiety, and the like, but it seems they've increased significantly since the pandemic.
The first lock was fine, but this last one really knocked me out. The main reason I feel so depressed is all the noise they make. It's non-stop and you don't know when the next explosion will happen, so you'll never be able to relax. The Department of Environmental Protection does not take this seriously. I know the poster here suggested I take care of them, but it didn't make any difference. I'm still thinking about buying an apartment or a house and moving, but it's not happening as fast as I thought.
Several people left my team at work and were not replaced, so now we have 6 people doing 10 people's work, and as the cuts come and go, more and more work is piling on us. The whole team is on the verge of collapse.
The 3 people I care about were also badly hurt. Mom lost a ton of weight, and her last 2 teeth fell out. She has not left the house for more than 14 months. My brother is also stuck at home because he had surgery at the end of last year. It really affected him. He just sits sad and unhappy all the time. He has also lost a lot of weight and looks like a man who was taken out of a concentration camp. I try to buy luxury treats for both of them, but they don't put on weight at all. How I would like to lose weight!
After the pandemic, once a month or once every two months, I would treat myself to a luxurious one-night hotel stay. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that, and I think it really made me feel depressed. All my hair has turned gray, and I look about 20 years older than I was after the pandemic.
Hopefully, at some point everything will return to normal, and we will all experience less stress and pressure.
perhaps people should be more sensitive about their mental health
Now, most people are in the same position as you, and this thought already makes it easier. I am very glad that people have been getting sick less lately, and everything seems to be ending, but still, there is this endless stress from everything happening around. As soon as the pandemic started, I thought about growing marijuana at home, and a few weeks ago, I came across a website topgrows.com on which there are many articles on this topic, and I decided to order everything necessary. I think this will help me cope with stress and be less prone to depression, which I advise you to do

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