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MLP-RPG related questions
no point of adding that.....
Duuuudddeeee!!! when i pasted my Save File and went to the game and Press continue and press my Save, Nothing Happens!!! Its only makes the Error Sound. D:::::: I dont want to Start agaiiin! im too far! xP and the version I download is V1.1976
What was the game version you used?
I was wondering if you could post a skill list of some sort for the characters, as this would make it far easier to choose our party at the start instead of needing to play through each character to know what they do.
How do you use the weapon/armor upgrade tokens? I try to type in the number of my weapon but it always says no weapon exists. What am I doing wrong?
You probably have the item equipped. It must be not equipped in order to upgrade it.
Thanks, also, how can I use skill points? all that sp from battle and I don't know what to do with it.
As far as I know, you only can buy one Passive Skill for every character (and one Group Passive Skill for Twilight). I expect you can buy more when you progress in the game, but I can't say for sure, since I am just after the Cockatrice.
I seem to be crashing with the god tier upgrades now. Using them on the time fracture necklace, only them to upgrade. Any idea why?
This is a question for Darkky.

If you ever did complete the game, and it got extremely popular (like more than fighting is magic), would you ever get the motivation to make this into an IOS or Android game if you could?

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