Spirit Request List:

Thank you for helping MLP RPG!


Default spirit picture:

What I need:
I currently need main 6 ponies with wings, in flying animation. Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity and AJ doesn’t have wings, but remember there was an episode that Twilight can make wings with her magic? I need that for game missions/quests :)
You can simply use Photoshop modify existing picture by adding flying and flying animation to it.

Samples (without rifle, and it have to be 4 directional):

Others (Less needed):
If you dislike drawing pixelated ponies or dislike drawing animation pictures. You can draw background houses for ponyville. Doors shouldn’t have any angle to it because it can’t be implanted to the game that way.

Adding cloth or hat or anything you like with default spirits would be useful too.

Email it to [email protected] with attachment or message me on deviantart with link or visit www.darkkyshadow.com/cloud upload the file in a zip with your deviantart name.


Visit position page.

Last updated on 11-19-2012