Quotes: The best quote is the last quote. Not all quotes will be clear to you by reading through it. Each quote have 15 seconds pause before going into the next one, read it first, then think and analysis the quote and fill the puzzle pieces with your own thinking.

Harvard Han

Becoming an exception is nothing. Understanding the exception is everything.

Harvard Han

You don't record an exception after it already occurred. Instead, you understand it before it occurs.

Value System

A record of yourself, a record in which it changes around you, a record that is builds up whom you are.

Value System

If I explain life as a process with systematic logarithm, people won't like it. But if I explain life as in corresponding to you, you will love it in the cost of losing the most valuable knowledge that made it matter in the first place.

Harvard Han

Value system is value system, but not number system. Simply because it isn't numbers to begin with.

Value System

The most brutal shortcut to life that grant you the power to change everything. From the beginning. Thru thinking alone.


The simplest way to become THE BEST is to create a field of study from scratch. You have no competitors. That is, if you can.

Harvard Han

The ones who controls value system will control their happiness in their own hands.

Value System

If to flaw one's thought just in matter of time it takes to say it, and to be able to do it continuously for countless other topics. Congrat, you learned the trick of the beginning system philosophy.

Harvard Han

"Once said" doesn't exist in my philosophy dictionary. There is no correction needed in system philosophy because it is incorporated within itself already.

Harvard Han

You can NEVER answer a question without biase. Except, when you answer it in terms of system. Like mathematics (number system), or in system philosophy.

Harvard Han

Ideas are easy. Concept isn't hard. Complex concept isn't hard as it sounds. However, system philosophy just broke the rule of hardness and complexity. But it is the end of complexity itself.

System Philosophy

You do your action, you do your things. But everything you do, leaves a trace of your inner-self.

Value System

I personally don't like to turn philosophy into quotes. But why not?

Harvard Han

"Nothing can limit me or stop me". Now you are getting close to the mind field of philosophy

Harvard Han

When there is nothing behind your ambitions, you will fall on top with your big ambitions.

Harvard Han

I once asked myself: "Why eat when you have control over value system? You can just generate value of food to replace it". A new definition was created the moment that question was asked.

Harvard Han & Value System

Am I value system or am I myself? The question will soon spread to everyone in this world. Eventually. One day. At least "I" have an answer.

Harvard Han

I don't like examples. Examples is full of declarations. Don't judge me on examples, and you don't want others to judge you on declarations.

Harvard Han

If you don't understand some of the quotes. That's normal. I hope you can solve math problems by reading thru it. I really do. And I really really do.

Harvard Han

I created everything. But the eagerness to destroy everything is equalized. A balanced values can be mindful.

Harvard Han

"Time is killing me". I am not afraid of dying, but the horrible feeling of time wasted enrages me.

Harvard Han

Connecting the dots. Systematic transition gave a philosophy power by linkage, or connecting ideas together into a system.

Power Transition

When I feel the pain. I understand it. But I can't cure it. "Now, why?" This is the feeling that keeps you alive. The eagerness to kill pain with understanding is just one of it.

Harvard Han

Uncontrollable action. Why do you get allergy? Why is your face red under pressure? Welcome to the second stage of value system where things will become messy.

Value System

Value System: I am infinitely big because my creator never wrote a period behind my definition.

Value System

My heart melts thinking about my past, my experience, my family, myself. Then my molten heart leaks into a hole of void. The void of uncertainty. A void in which I understands but cannot repair.

Harvard Han

Writing philosophy keeps my life going. Adventurous without actually adventuring, simulating without a computer, writing without moving, discovering without seeing. I think I went too far.

Harvard Han

I existed and invented a system philosophy. I guess that's all it is after I die, according to the universe.... That however, doesn't satisfy me. It have to go more than concept.

Harvard Han

Better work on philosophy RIGHT NOW. Next second might be too late when you sudden realize you only got six more months to live.

Harvard Han

Lacking of motive to learn philosophy? Should I baby feed you? So you gets the taste of it before hand?

Harvard Han and said no one ever

Death nulls your value system to exactly 0 then it is pinned at 0. Death nulls your value system to exactly FI29 then it is pinned at FO29. Both quotes express the same meaning. Welcome to the next generating of value calculation logarthm where math isn't the only scale for value.

Value System

Sometimes, I work on philosophy on the purpose of philosophy-ing. It doesn't make sense, but it makes sense in another level.

Harvard Han

Philosophers will realize their philosophy is weak comparing to system philosophy. Might be because I have a "fetish" of killing weaknesses in a system.

Harvard Han

Philosophy is a field of various factors. If you are bad at it, you will continue to be bad at it. And it is hard to change for the better, generally speaking from experience.

General Philosophy

I am kind of addicted to writing philosophy quotes right now. On the purpose of fun, not educational or researching. I guess I will write more to fullfill my value system's need. :)

Harvard Han

Knowledge is value aspects. It changes your value system which affects your action. Knowledge is hard to "copy" or "duplicate". Finally, a value system protection that makes knowledge actually worth getting for, as in the traditional ways.

Harvard Han

Understanding kills the taste of life. Seriously, where is the fun when you fully defined people's action? But it isn't so once you broke the barrier, there are much more ahead.

Harvard Han

I wish I were a philosophy comedian where people listen to you because it holds entertainment value. But that's just something else.

Harvard Han

Make it a challenge, try to figure out my values. Because it is nearly impossible to do with my values changing, reflecting so dynamically every hour of my life.

Harvard Han

If you are reading this quote. All of the above quotes are done in 2 days, about 1 hour per day. While watching a movie, playing a game, and I just write it when ideas comes up. They are chaotic, but some of the quotes are meaningful. Normalize with thinking can be magical.

Harvard Han

You know what's funny? With enough budget I can create a fully simulated environment to manually create one's value system to my desire. So many experimental projects that I wrote over the years, but never got the budget or time to realize it. Engineering without science is just philosophy, yes, it is kind of true.

Harvard Han

I know exactly how powerful is my research. And yet, I still hold uncertainty about it. I wonder if this is one of those bloody jokes brain put on system philosophers.

Harvard Han

The infinity of this universe brought uncertainty into my heart. Ignorant towards it would affect my philosophy perfect-al-ity, caring would lead to continuous uncertainty. Another reason added for my desire to skip the rules, but i can't.

Harvard Han

"We have action for the sake of action of itself." Who ever said this quote surely got rocket science in their mind. Yes, I am being sarcastic and I usually do it without telling you at all.

Harvard Han

I once imagined sleep = death. Everytime I wake up, it is just an image of my value system that was stored then, re-awoken. Now this interpretation may not be true, but it can be cross-taken as the truth.

Harvard Han

We have no conciousness without value system. There aren't any evidence, instead: I defined it to be that way. However, if you have system background of value system, this statement becomes fully defined by itself. Magic of system, but it is for you to see.

Harvard Han

I never read any philosophy books during or before system philosophy's creation. Afterwards, when I actually look back at past philosophers.... Only Descartes remains in my heart. He is unofficially, the one who ended philosophy, and I restarted it. I feel sad since he is dead. Only if he could go around the paradox.

Harvard Han

I might be irresponsible sometimes when I failed to help others out of their mental struggle. If I force the modification a new problem would form: Are they whom they used to be or did I just changed it?

Harvard Han

Value aspects can be sorted into branch of bio-chemistry, physics, mathematics, or a scale system of your own. Some sorting methods are easier than others. All based on your interpretation.

Harvard Han

Even though I am computer majored. Computer was never my king card to life. When you are working on something other people already invented, doesn't it feel awkward? I do, that's why I never cared how good I am with computers.

Harvard Han

I am just a image. A image in which you perceives of me. I enjoy seeing people's reaction to my image where I have all of the choice of creation. Pointlessly useful because psychologists will have a cancer in their field of study when they realize there is 0 protection against it in their field of study.

Harvard Han

I enjoy sleeping more than researching. Value aspects to sleep isn't me; instead, it is given to me. So it isn't part of me, perhaps?

Harvard Han

System philosophy eat shrime and drink soup. Not eating soup and drinking shrimp. Today's date is sometime in 2013. Today's date is 1-1-2013.

System Philosophy Behavior Concept. Edit: I forgot the concept behind this quote (you can try to figure it out)

I sacrificed EVERYTHING and will continue to sacrifice everything over philosophy.

Harvard Han

My love towards philosophy is unstoppable, because I am a philosophy myself. Figuratively

Harvard Han

If life is a card game. I would get my king cards in my hands, ready to play to win. Since it is a card game, there is a chance of in which I can still lose with king cards in my hands. But the chance is just smaller. But my king cards changed the rules of game itself, in which even losing won't matter anymore

Harvard Han

It is pointless to talk about your opinion with value system. You are the opinion, you understand ones mind, ones action, you are the person's nightmare in that specific moment in time. And to be able to do that is just the basics of value system.

Harvard Han

Personally, I don't like philosophy slogans to get people interested. But it isn't slogan anymore when it is the reality. And "God created everything" is a common slogan from the church without any evidence, as for your reference to.

Harvard Han

Reaching the last philosophy quote I will give you a bonus quote: "We are philosophy because we think, we are biology because we are made out of cells, we are math because math can describe us, we are physics because we are made out of atoms/energy, we are value system because we have action, we are system because we are created out of systems." Welcome to the next generation of philosophy; the system philosophy.