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crocheting shoes with the OESH soles
Hi! Something we are working on, but for which we don't have a pattern yet, is crocheting the upper part directly on the OESH soles. To get started, just crochet the holes like in the crochet tutorial on the top, then use these stitches as the first row!
Thank you for sharing. Your shop is amazing!
I love hand made shoes too, especially decorated this way. It's difficult to find comfortable shoes, especially among sneakers. I've been searching for a good pair almost 2 months, but haven't found shoes I need. Unfortunately, I don't have enough skills to create my own shoes and decorate them like you presented on the pics. I see that on OESH factory there are different models among which I can choose. I also found a couple of good option at forstepstyle  platform. Gonna choose between shoes on these websites and hope I'm gonna find the suitable pair for me!

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